Smart Contracts

Laika Layer 2 EVM supports Solidity Smart Contracts, which allows applications like Wufiswap, Wiww Marketplace and more to function decentralize on the Laika network.

Existing smart contracts from other Ethereum Virtual Machine based blockchains like Ethereum can be directly deployed on Laika without any changes or very minimal changes required.

Laika Blockchain supports EVM versions upto the latest version which is Cancun.

All existing tools which are usable for development on other EVM chains like Ethereum are directly compatible with Laika, it includes platforms like Remix, development tools like Hardhat, Chai, Truffle, Openzepllin Contract Library , testing tools like Mocha, Foundry and more.

It is recommend to test all smart contracts on the Testnet before deploying them on Mainnet, you can find the relevant network configuration/information below:

Helpful resources that would help you in the development journey on Laika are also linked below:

Last updated